BlackICE BBS - Mailboxliste Europa / European BBS-List

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# BBS Telnet Dataline Country Description Action Status Call
1 BCG-Box Finland
2 BlackICE BBS +49 (0)1578 / 47 37 889 V.32 9600Bps GSM-MODEM Germany NeTWORKS: FiDONeT + SuRViVaL NeT + Z-NeTZ + DOVeNeT + aGORaNeT + aMiGaNeT + BaTTLe-NeT + DOReNeT + uSeNeT + GeR-BBS (via 15 direct links)

35.000+ FiLeS: aMiGa + aNDROiD + C64 + DOS + DiSKMaGS/eBOOKS + MaCOS/iOS + CONSOLe + uNiX/LiNuX + OS/2 + SOuND
3 Blood Island Sweden
4 BLUP +49 209 38143 ISDN/X75 33.6 V.34 Germany Online since 02.02.1995
5 Box24 n/a Switzerland
6 Germany Noch im Aufbau.... Schwerpunkte werden Sound, Musik und Retro Computing sein.

Area -> Mailboxliste Europa / European BBS-List
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BlackICE BBS - Mailbox / Telnet / European BBS-List | Mailboxliste Europa